Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One Year Anniversary of WGSD!! This Wednesday!

Please join us for a
Women Give San Diego Event on
Wednesday, September 22nd, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
at the home of our President, Jan Tuttleman.

Come and learn more about the progress we are making in the development of this exciting new initiative to help underserved women and girls in San Diego County. You won't want to miss this special event!

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about how we've progressed in our first year and to introduce your friends to Women Give San Diego:

  • We will share our mission, our vision, our values.
  • We will share how we focus on under-served women and girls to strengthen our community.
  • We will share the opportunities for funding.
  • We will invite you to join this process!

Diane Takvorian

Executive Director, Environmental Health Coalition
Environmental Health Coalition is an environmental justice organization
working in low income communities of color.

When: September 22 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (light dinner)
Who: Current and future WGSD members
Where: 7791 Starlight Drive, La Jolla
RSVP: Facebook Fan Page or Linda Katz at lindalouisekatz@me.com or (619) 840-6462

1 in 7 in U.S. lives below poverty line - LA Times

The Foothill Unity Center food bank in Pasadena has assisted an increasing number of people in recent months. The rise in the poverty level began a decade ago and accelerated during the recession, wiping out all the gains made during the long run of economic growth in the 1990s. (Luis Sinco, Los Angeles Times / September 16, 2010)

Last year, nearly 4 million Americans joined the ranks of the poor. California's rate is highest in 11 years.

Article Link: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-fi-poverty-census-20100917,0,5805287.story

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Great Articles to Read

Topic: Women and Philanthropy


  • Understanding the Increasing Affluence of Women

    Judith E. Nichols, The Canadian Fund Raiser

    Understanding the increasing affluence of women and its impact on philanthropy, as baby boomers retire and Gen Xers take center stage.

  • The Power of the Purse

    Lisa Belkin, The New York Times, August 2009

    Women funding women — a look into the world of women in philanthropy.

  • Women and Wealth

    Joanna L. Krotz, Town & Country, 2008

    You can't live happily ever after if you don't take care of your money — it's as simple as that. Here's what you need to know.

  • Women and Philanthropy: 4 Ways to get Started

    U.S. News and World Report, September 2008

    Direct involvement and working together are just some of the characteristics of a changing philanthropic world, one where women play a more dominant role.