Membership Benefits

Benefits of Membership

Support the efforts of Women Give San Diego to enable the sustainable economic self-sufficiency and security for women and girls in San Diego County.

As a member of Women Give San Diego, you will:
  • Learn about and exercise the power of giving collectively.
  • Understand the issues facing women and girls in San Diego County and California and offer under-served women and girls the opportunity to enhance their participation in our regional economy and become fully engaged in the prosperity of their local communities.
  • Meet other women who share your passion for the issues facing women and girls in your community.
Membership Levels

Members in their 20’s
  • Minimum gift - $250/year
Members in their 30’s
  • Minimum gift - $500/year
Founding Members
  • Minimum gift - $1000/year
  • Silver member - $2500/year
  • Gold member - $5,000/year
  • Platinum member - $10,000/year
  • Diamond member - $25,000/year
Donations of any amount are also accepted.

For more information about membership and donation opportunities, contact us at