Letter from Jan, our "Brain Warrior"
Read by Linda Katz at the WGSD Membership Meeting on September 12, 2011
Dear Women Give San Diego Members,
What can I say, I feel like I fell into a deep space worm hole! I'm actually getting an MRI as Linda reads this so it feels like a worm Hole!
I am actually doing very well, Linda heard my voice today and she can attest to my strength.
I so appreciate all your cards, prayers and good wishes. Recovery from brain surgery has been remarkable. Besides having trouble with numbers and getting headaches and tired I almost feel like normal (well sort of!!). I even got a side benefit from the surgery! A brow lift so I look better than ever! More important I am keeping a very positive attitude, I'm eating very healthy, getting special ayurvedic treatments, accupuncture, and massage and I meditate 2 hr a day and go on daily walks by the ocean. I start radiation and Chemo on Thurs. for 6 weeks and if I handle it well, which I should, I'd love some company so I'll set up a visitation schedule if you'd like to visit.
Mainly I want to thank all of you for your support and belief in our work together to improve the lives of women and girls in San Diego. I so believe in our organization and so appreciate all of you stepping up to take on new roles, stretch yourselves, learn and help where needed. When I am better, which will be awhile, I am quitting ALL (wow! that feels good to say!) my other responsibilities but will return to Women Give to help in any way needed to further our cause.
Thank you again for your support and thoughts and love and good wishes and prayers.
Lots of love,
A Note about Mitzvah: Acts of Kindness on behalf of our "Brain Warrior"
Recently, WGSD sent a notice about a “mitzvah calendar” we set up in honor of our beloved Jan Tuttleman. The premise: for those who care about Jan to engage in acts of kindness in her name and merit. The word mitzvah is technically translated as commandment. However, the word is often used in a more broad way to refer to any good deed.
According to Jewish tradition, there are three acts that can change a person’s fate. These are all types of mitzvot (the plural of mitzvah):
· Torah (study)
· Tefilah (prayer)
· Tzedakah (charity and acts of loving kindness)
As we enter the High Holiday season, we ramp up our pursuit of these activities so that we may ensure a sweet new year not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones. There is a powerful sense of connectedness in Judaism, and it is believed that prayer or acts of loving kindness on behalf of others can heal and restore.
Jan’s good deeds bless the entire community. Now it is our turn to bless her with our good deeds. We wish her and all who are sick or in pain a speedy and complete recovery and for our friends of all faiths, we wish you a sweet and healthy new year. Shana Tova! A good year!
If you would like to add a mitzvah to the calendar you may do so at:
http://brainwarriorjan.keepandshare.com and click on Jan’s Mitzvah Calendar
Thank you to Charlene Seidle from the San Diego Jewish Community Foundation for this beautiful piece on mitzvah.
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